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11 January 2013

Final Exam: Soalan Microbiology, Immunology dan Health Psychology

Assalamualaikum readersku yang cun dan hensem sekalian..saya baru je habis paper microbiology setelah 3 hari berturut2 kami pelajar Nutrition and Dietetics Puncak Alam ni berperang dalam bilik peperiksaan..hmm..sedeh pun ada, happy pun ada, yalah..kalau tak dapat jawab mestilah sedeh kan?

Alhamdulillah, dalam kesibukan dan keletihan lepas ujian ni, saya tak lupa nak mengingat serba sedikit soalan, nanti bila adik2 juniro nak tahu apa soalan2 yang pernah keluar ujian, sekurang- kurangnya korang boleh meningkatkan ilmu di dada kan? hehe..ok scroll ke bawah untuk tahu soalan2 ujian Immunology, Health Psychology dan Microbiology....

Chayok chayok !!


Question 1:
ü  Transplant complication
ü  Therapeutic uses of cytokines
ü  Functions of cytokine
Question 2:
ü  Complement classical pathway
ü  Clonal selection theory of antibody
Question 3:
ü  Function of B cells
ü  Autoimmune disease, Addison’s disease symptoms
ü  Therapeutic nutrition diet for diabetes Type 1 patient
Question 4:
ü  Draw and label the antibody structure
ü  Anaphylactic shock sign and symptoms

Health psychology (HPY501)

ü  Question 1: Weinstein Precaution Adoption Process
ü  Question 2: How to increase compliance through educational and behavioral strategies
ü  Question 3: Differentiate between emotion- focused coping and problem-focused coping
ü  Question 4: Compare and contrast anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

Microbiology (NAD553)

Question 1:
ü  Explain irradiation and dry heat in controlling microbial growth (10 marks)
ü  Explain osmotic pressure and temperature for the growth of microbes (10 marks)
Question 2:
ü  Based from theory of spontaneous reaction, explain the test in laboratory to disapprove the theory (10 marks)
ü  Explain the relation of illness and microbial based from Koch’s Postulate (10 marks)
Question 3:
ü  Differentiate prokaryotes and eukrayotes ( 8 marks)
ü  What is complication of pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli. (10 mark)
Question  4:
ü  Why is bacteria is resistant against antibiotic? (12 marks)
ü  Explain lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle in virus multiplication (20 marks)
Question 5:
ü  Explain the growth requirement for growth and requirements for bacteria Salmonella based from pH, temperature, water activity and also osmotic pressure. (20 marks)

 Okey, nampaknya tu aja yang dapat diberitahu, apa2 pun goodluck for ur upcoming papers okay!...chow cincau....ZZZZZZzzzzz :) 

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